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Your phone number does not have a name

by simonndunda

Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2012 01:35 AM

I was in facebook and saw this viral post

Do you know your phone number has a name?!!!

Its amazing!!!

1. Take the last 3 digit of your mobile number,
e.g: if your mobile no is 0123456789 then take 789.

2. Write @+[789:0] in the comment.
Then exclude/omit + and enter the comment. See the magic!!!

Due to the way telephone numbers are generated, more than one person can have the same last 3 digits. Therefore claiming your unique phone number has it’s own name is non entirely true.


So how is this happening? Basically the number you provide corresponds to an actual user’s ID on Facebook. It is not limited to three characters either. The code you enter into the comment box is a Facebook short-hand code that converts an ID number into it’s corresponding name. If you were to enter the code @[4:0] then this will present back ‘Mark Zuckerberg’ since he was the first ID to use the website (1-3 were used for testing I believe). By using just three digits you are picking a random Harvard student who were the first users of the social networking site. You can even check this by going to the following URL and replacing 123 with the number that you are using.

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